Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Say no to wrinkles

Say no to wrinkles !!

7 tips for soft skin

Wrinkles are a natural part of life and aging, and it appears after ages.

But some wrinkles appear earlier time to young to people in age, but arise due to bad habits - that can be easily changed:

tips for soft skin / img source google

1. Stop smoking!

That smoking accelerates both the aging and the appearance of wrinkles should quit smoking to avoid wrinkles

2. Reduction of sugar intake

Do you eat a lot of sugar and simple carbohydrates, is a danger not only to gain the weight, but also make you look older than you are.
Sugar molecules break including collagen in the skin, and can make your skin less flexible and more prone to wrinkles. To reduce the sugar and keep your face

3. Make-up           
Sleeping in make-up is very harmful to the skin
Make-up and all the impurities in your face during the day penetrate the pores and cause the collapse of the collagen in the skin, which accelerates the aging process.

4. Stop the pressure

Are you one of those who find it difficult to refrain from putting pressure on the pimples and blackheads? Clean skin morning and evening precisely to prevent pimples and preferred treatment when the doctor as soon as possible

5. Cosmetics beauty

When applying cosmetics may increase the appearance of wrinkles and makes the skin is elastic. And prefers to use the make-up of well-known brands to avoid skin allergy.

6. Protection from the sun

Brilliant sun, especially for the winter, uses a moisturizer or SPF products throughout the summer, even if you go out for a period of a few in the sun. And do not forget that the sun's rays reach you even if it rains or the weather is cloudy.

7. Gum

Chewing gum can increase the appearance of small wrinkles around the mouth. Prefers to use the discs for the skin.


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